I-recipe yebele yenkukhu

Isikhathi sokupheka : 40 iminithi.
Izinkonzo : 4
Engxenyeni engu-1 : 374.8 kcal, amaprotheni - 13.0 g, amafutha - 25.0 g, ama-carbohydrate - 24.4 amagremu


amabele amabili enkukhu
• 100 g of ugqumugqumu
• 100 g we-blackcurrant
• U-200 ml ukhilimu oqukethwe ngamafutha angu-20%
• 2.5 tbsp. l. ushukela
• 2.5 tbsp. l. ufulawa
• Amafutha emifino yokudoba
• usawoti, pepper ukunambitha


1. Sika i-gooseberries ngayinye ngesigamu, usike i-currant kancane. Engeza ushukela no-2 tbsp. l. amanzi. Ekhuthazayo, ulethe ngamathumba. Nciphisa ukushisa kuya emaphakathi bese upheka imizuzu engu-5. Engeza ukhilimu bese upheka amaminithi amathathu ngaphezulu.

2. Emabeleni wenze uhlaka olujulile "lattice", ugoqa ufulawa futhi gazinga emafutheni ashubile, imizuzu engama-4. ohlangothini ngalunye.

3. Faka i-baking dish, inkathi, uthele i-sauce. Beka i-ovini kuhhavini elushisayo ngaphambi kuka-200 ° C imizuzu engu-10.

Umagazini "School of deli" № 13 2008